Hair Transplant


Hair loss is an important health problem that is especially common in men today, but can also be found in women occasionally. 

The process of losing the activity of the hair follicles and transferring the hair follicles one by one to the local areas where the hair is shed by micro-surgical methods is generally called hair transplantation. This treatment is applied and planned completely individually. The reason why it is individual is that the amount of hair loss and the local areas where the treatment is applied vary greatly from person to person. After a period of about 6-8 months, much stronger and healthier hair is obtained than before.

Hair transplantation is a medical treatment performed by internationally accredited physicians in sterile operating room environments. These treatments are applied in sterile environments, with high sensitivity and meticulousness. After a certain period of time, people who have undergone the operation achieve the natural hair appearance and achieve the desired results.


In today's world, due to multiple reasons such as business life, stress, environmental factors and genetic reasons, our hair can be visibly shedding and decreasing. Our patients who are exposed to this and related negativities can have hair transplantation.
There are some biological requirements for hair transplantation. The most important of these is that the person who will have hair transplantation must have the required number of grafts. Hair transplantation can be performed on people who are congenitally balding and have a low hair-beard ratio with a success rate of up to 99%.

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